Hi everyone,
So, yesterday, early morning, I was at Target and saw an elderly lady struggling to collapse her walker and put it under the market cart. Of course, I offered to help her and she said "it's alright, I got it". I was a little puzzled because she was really struggling to close her walker. So, I just reached over and helped her and put it under her cart. She looked at me and said " forgive me, but I'm not used to people offering to help me"....."I wish I met someone like you everyday, my life would sure be brighter."
That adorable elderly lady actually made MY day by giving me such a lovely compliment ;O). Is it me, or is it disturbing that people are in such a rush, that they would walk right past someone in need and not even acknowledge them.....I think it's far time for us to slow our roll....if you rush through life....life will pass you by.
I cannot say this enough to all my friends and family ENJOY THE MOMENT YOU ARE IN. Our mind is like a monkey, always jumping around from one thought to another...now isn't that the truth. So as I've mentioned before, I often go to a Tibetan Buddhist center to meditate and the Geshe always reminds us that meditation is the way to calm the mind and just BE. It's a daunting task for all of us to turn down the volume in our heads but with practice, we can all give our body, mind and a soul the break they deserve. 2 weeks ago, at the last meditation class, we meditated for others. For our parents, our families, our friends, our communities and the world, even those who challenge us(enemies if you will) The purpose was to spread love, peace and compassion to all....After the session, my friends Jillian, Heike and I went for lunch and felt such fulfillment . Taking the attention off of ourselves and acknowledging others and their needs and struggles really gave us a renewed sense of purpose.
So, please, next time you see a mother struggling with children, an elderly person crossing the street or a physically challenged person.....offer some help, I promise you, that small act of kindness will benefit you in ways you cannot even image. We are all one love, one global family and ultimately ONE and the same.
On that note, here's a great song called My Wish by Rascal Flatts I send to all of you :O) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz32I_GbpeU&feature=related
May you be blessed everyday.
Peace and love Sasha
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