Friday, September 3, 2010

Be Free, Live the Moment, Enjoy the Ride!

Hi everyone,

I believe so strongly that we are existing right now to experience a wide range of circumstances, learn lessons along the way and simply enjoy life.  The life we are given is so insanely simple and easy yet we often choose to complicate things.  My mantra is that if it makes you feel good and you're smiling both inside and out, DO IT :O).  You may have noticed that I am a little bit of a bohemian free-spirit and guess what....that really works for me.  I've personally always gotten great satisfaction out of helping others but I realized a few years ago that there is a huge difference between a people-pleaser and an inately giving person.  People-pleaser often do so by compromising their own happiness and well-being whereas inate givers take great pleasure in doing so and it's pretty much embedded in their DNA. In other words, they do things that first please them and consequently, please others. Are you following me?  Honestly though, there must be a balance.  Balance is the key ingredient in living a good life.  If you are a workoholic and do very little to fill your other desires and dreams...that's being out of balance. It's only a matter of time before you start resenting your job, life and often self.  What we all need is to be flexible....which reminds me of a quote I read " By being flexible in life, you can never be bent out of shape by anything" and " By stepping outside of your comfort zone, you significally expand it" Both quotes I found on Twitter (@ralphmarston)

Here's alittle video that will trully give you a boost of energy and send you on the right track to living a balanced and happy life

Enjoy and have a healthy, happy and fun labor day Weekend. Peace and Love Sasha

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