Happy Sunday everyone. I was inspired last night by my friend Lisa who is leaving on a mission to Africa next Friday. We had a really in depths conversation on life and its purpose. She truly inspires me. While getting cleared by her physician to go on this trip, her doctor told her that she was very brave to venture to Africa at this time. Lisa, the humble girl that she is replied, I'm not brave, I have an appointment with God. Spoken like a true spiritual woman. This lead me to think about the idea of living versus existing. So I ask you, what are you doing with your life, are you merely existing and going through the motions of everyday life or are you living your best life?
Quietly answer these questions in your head:
1) Are you practicing what you preach?
2) Do you see the glass as 1/2 full or 1/2 empty.
3) Do you live with an attitude of gratitude or do you think life owes you?
4) Do you seek more to understand others or do you seek to be understood?
5) Do you see others as cooperators in life or competitors?
6) Is compassion your lifestyle or something you practice only when you feel like it?
7) Do you approach every situation and person from a loving perspective or is everyone and everything out to get you?
Well friends, those who experience a good and positive life work very hard to achieve it. Some choose to believe that life is a battlefield and that they must fight for their happiness and good fortune. I, however believe in actively seeking and living with the intention of always creating all things that are good in life. "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change", a powerful quote by Wayne Dyer that always helps keep things in perspective. We are often told to live one day at the time and are reminded to let go of the past and not fret for the future. I would like to take that concept to another level. Everyday consists of 24 hours, that's a tall order to fill. In order to fully enjoy life, I have discovered that living every "moment" is so much more fulfilling and satisfying as well as realistic. Many things can and do happen within a 24 hour period therefore truly savoring every fragment of the day helps in LIVING life rather than purely existing.
Last night, we had an impromptu pool party at Jillian and Kelly's. Jillie and I danced around the kitchen while preparing food. Jillian expressed how fun it was to cook with music on and how it didn't feel like a chore. Voila friends, any situation can become pleasant when you shift your minds...even with the help of a little music. This is living with passion...seeking to find the joy in every situation. I once had a conversation with a friend and asked what 1 word would best describe him and then I followed by saying what 1 word described me best...he and answered ''unstoppable" and I answered, yes you guessed it, ''passionate." I choose to live passionately because I feel that when you do so, you are always giving your best...passion comes from deep within the heart and if you think back at any specific moment in life when you excelled at anything, you where passionate about it.
So, I am a great admirer of His Holliness the Dalai Lama and according to him, the 1 thing that is missing most in our world today is human affection. I completely agree with that. Human affection, if abscent, whether from parent-child, friend-friend or husband to wife causes human disconnect. We are no longer living from an emotional state but rather from a logistical state which leaves many people feeling empty. Human affection, compassion, empathy-sympathy and love are crucial to human survival. As inhabitants of this glorious planet, it is our indisputable right and obligation to not only give but also receive all of the above. Many tears are unseen, many wounds are unhealed and much suffering is unheard...if you know someone in your life is struggling, take a moment an offer a kind word, note or hug. Ooh! How I love hugs...they make everything better =). Life is not about us...it is about how we can be of service to others. Just the other day, I received a phone call from best friend in Montreal and she was crying. I have never in 20 years heard her cry. I was so startled and panicked for a moment. All I heard her say is: I need to feel better, I am sick and I need your help....my first instinct was to get on a plane and go rescue her....I am a believer in actions speaks louder than words however in this instance, she really needed to talk things through and see things through someone else's eyes. She is extremely private so I will not give details however, by the end of the conversation we we're both laughing hysterically while she booked her ticket to come here this coming wednesday. At that moment, nothing else mattered..all I knew is that this girl needed to be comforted and it was my obligation to be there for her. That is the essence of humanity right there....whatever is going on in your life, I plead with you, make time for those special people in your life...they are an extension of you and you know very well, they would always be there for you.
I encourage you to really live with an attitude of gratitude for what you have right this second in your life. By doing so, you open the gates for all of your deepest dreams and desires to come forth. Surely, no one has a perfect life...in fact, perfection is actually a limitation as I have said before...it is unrealistic and can only cause fear and anxiety. However living an 'excellent life" now that is something we should all strive for. I urge you to be open, receptive and welcoming of all people and situations. This way, you will always know that you have allowed every opportunity to come your way and it will be your choice whether or not to go down any given path. I do believe however that your close circle of friends and family should be the types that encourage, uplift and love you as you are. People with positive energy are magnets for more of that same energy. If you choose to view life as an exciting journey full of experiences..then life will provide you with just that. You know the saying if life gives you lemons....I say, if life gives you lemons, add a little sugar and spice and everything nice and make the juice of life your own =))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Leaving you with this great song by One Republic "Good Life" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZhQOvvV45w&ob=av3e
Wishing you all peace, love and light Sasha xoxoxoxoxoxo
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