I was inspired today to write this blog after I received a text message from my friend Amber challenging all her girlfriends to start a revolution on body image. As women, we are pressured to maintain the images portrayed on magazine covers, television shows and movies, the modelling industry and even the pornographic industry. What most of us fail to realize is that these women's lively hood greatly depends on their physical body. In simple terms, they get paid to look good. They pay people to cook for them, work them out and motivate them to be in their optimum physical apperance. However, it is also very prominant in these industries that women go to extreme lengths to remain thin...unhealthy, often life thrething means such as extreme starvation, bulimia, anorexia, over usage of diet pills and/or laxatives, extreme diets etc. So, clearly, being a size 0 is not meant for everyone. I wish for all of you, as well for myself, to strive to aim for physical health and fitness. To make healthy eating choices, exercising, meditating and benevolent deeds our lifestyle. One of my favorite quotes is: "If only you could see yourself through my eyes" ~Unknow....We are overly critical of ourselves and under appreciative of our qualities. I will be the first to admit that on this point, I often, do not practice what I preach. When I wake up an look in the mirror, my first reaction is normally, oh! my God...Ilook like I got ran over by a train. I have taken the vow however to make the effort of saying something positive about myself when I wake up. I encourage all of you gorgeous women to do the same. Lift yourselves up instead of tearing yourselves down.
In addition, there is so much more to beauty than physical appearance. Just like an apple may look shiny and crisp from the outside, once bitten, is rotten on the inside, what's the sense in that? So we should be beautiful from the inside out. A wonderfully positive and warm heart can make even an average looking person look gorgeous. I urge all of you to encourage all the women in your lives to get healthy, get active and get with the program of living your best life now. As women, let's encourage and support one another for our uniqueness....after all, we are all 100% one of a kind, like no other, that has ever been here before. We are all created differently with our own specific gifts to offer to this world.....YAY! to being different and "amazing, just the way we are" Bruno Mars.
And guys, tell your wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers and friends that they are beautiful, they woukld really love and appreciate to hear it :-)))))))))
Sending you much peace, love and positive energy, Sash xoxoxoxoxoxo
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