Friday, August 20, 2010

Hunger for life

Life is a series of events that makes up our own personal history. Every one of us has a choice to see life as a wonderfully fulfilling adventure.

We should embrace all events and learn from them.

It is necessary to have challenges and overcome obstacles in order to build up to that person we strive to be.

Believing and expecting good things to happen to us.

Changing our thinking from: why me to why not me.

Extraordinary things happen to ordinary people who believe.

This world has endless possibilities and adventures, always hunger for more knowledge.

Reach out to people from friends and family to the hungry and homeless. It's unbelievable the feeling you get when you've helped someone in need.

Give people a chance and let people have a chance to get to know you. everything and everyone...the more love you give, the more it will come back to you.

LAUGH, like a child and be silly. Laughter is therapeutic so consciously do things that will induce laughter.

Have FAITH that what you ask in prayer believing, will necessarily come to pass Mark 11:22

HUNGER for life and all that is in it.

Have peace in you hearts and be on your way to becoming the best you.

Peace and Love Sasha

Healthy treats

Hi all,

In an effort to stay healthy and take in as many fruits and veggies as possible, try making  fruit smoothies and juicing your veggies.

Here are some suggestions:

Breakfast Smoothie:

-1 cup almond milk
-1/2 cup  fresh or frozen wild blueberries
-1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
-1/2 banana
-2-3 tablespoons non-fat greek yogourt
-splash of OJ
-1 teaspoon milled flaxseed
-ice if you like

Pick Me Up Juice:

-2 large juicing carrots
-1 bunch green kale
-1 apple
-1/2 beet
- 1 inch piece of ginger.
-2 celeri stalks
-1/2 cucumber.

These are nutritious and healthy ways to ensure a good intake of fruits and veggies. In addition, fall is near so get out and play outside doing your favorite outdoor activities

Setting good intentions

 Good day everyone,

I wanted to encourage all of you to set positive intentions for yourselves every night before bed and every morning upon waking. It's trully amazing how the mere thought of good things happening to you will produce just that. There's something about doing it before bed that penetrates your subconscious mind and sticks. So often, we go to bed worrying about what hasn't yet arrived and often wake up tired and irritated. That's no way to start the day because that is what it will become. What we are feeling about ourselves will attract people in the same mindset as well as circumstances of the same type. So, this tells us to do ourselves a conscious favor and set good intentions. It's not hard. You can train your minds that way.

Growing up, I was often asked"what are you so happy about", and I would reply, for this day, this conversation and my life. People often responded:" you're right, I don't know why it's not natural for me to think this way"? In fact, my girlfriend Agnieska recently said to me, "I just think people are either born happy and optimistic or the ooposite" I must say, I disagreed with her because no matter who you are, you have to work at it.  We all have the CHOICE to be happy, it's our human right. I think that growing up in a family that was always laughing and happy surely helped but as an adult, I choose to see things in a good way. I have had challenges just like everyone but choose to believe that the reward is so much greater. I also strongly feel that people who are genuinely happy are also people who enjoy helping other's. It's natural for them to lend out a helping hand and often times, they volunteer their help in some way.

My wish is that everyone takes a little time today to set uplifting goals for themselves. Weither taking time to read a good positive book, watching a funny movie or calling someone you know would rejoice in hearing your voice.

May you all have a blessed and happy day ....Peace, Love & Light Sasha

La Joie de Vivre- The Joy of Living

What an exciting time this is for our country. This is "our" time in history and let's make it awsome. Let's choose to breath easier, to love more and to consciously live a happier life.

Where to begin? Start with having an "attitude of gratitude". Be thankful for your life and all that is in it. Love whatever situation you are in right now and most importantly, love yourself for working hard and achieving your goals. Sure we all fall of the wagon at some point or another but get up, jump back on and look forward only. It's only human. There is no sense in living in the past, because theres not a thing we can do to change it. There is no sense in livinf for the future because it hasn't yet arrived and truthfully, we often expend so much energy planning while God or the Universe, laugh and shake their heads. Today, ah, today, what a blessing. Let's live it to the fullest. Precisely why you shouldn't be affraid of meeting new people or doing new things, just do it.

We all share one thing in common, we all have a given purpose. But remember, in everything. follow your instincts, they don't lie. Why, because it's God saying :" if it feels good in your stomach, do it, if you feel bad and out of balance, it's not what I want for you." We've all been there where we think something is so right for us, we are convinced, but the truth is, our minds were saying yes while our hearts were saying no. So trust that feeling, it doesn't lie.

And one more thing, remember, don't want what someone else has unless, you are willing to do what they did to get to were they're at(Joyce Meyer)

God Bless and much peace and love Sasha